Investment Analysis

Investment Analysis

Working as an investment analyst, evaluating a major investment to develop a new fuel and your investors ask you about the Carbon Intensity for your product. That is where P6 comes to the rescue. Our guided step by step workflow will educate you on what is needed to...
Life Cycle Analysis for Engineers

Life Cycle Analysis for Engineers

When designing a new facility or even making changes to an existing one, the resulting carbon intensity is needed as part of the design or change. That is where P6 come in, making it simple to perform a Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) for a product. Once in P6, further...
California Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS)

California Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS)

What is LCFS? The California Low Carbon Fuel Standard (LCFS) Program is a key initiative aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions from the transportation sector in the state of California. Launched in 2007, the LCFS is a market-based program that incentivizes the...
What is Renewable Natural Gas (RNG)?

What is Renewable Natural Gas (RNG)?

What is it?  Renewable Natural Gas (RNG) is a clean and sustainable alternative to conventional natural gas. It is made from organic waste that would otherwise end up in landfills and emit harmful methane gas into the atmosphere and is considered a renewable source of...